JavaScript review Week 6

Declare a variable called cat
        var cat;
Initialize cat to “Tom”
        cat = "Tom";
Change the variable cat to “Morris”
cat = "Morris";
Declare a variable isCat to a negative Boolean value
var isCat = false;
1. Write a function called outputToConsole that outputs to the console “Morris is a cat”
2. Call the function
function outputToConsole(){
  console.log("Morris is a cat");
1. Write a function called ouputToConsole2 that takes the parameter ‘name’ and outputs the name to console in a sentence.
2. Call the function with a string parameter.
function outputToConsole2(name){
  console.log("The name you entered was " + name);
1. Write a function called nameAndAge that takes 2 parameters ‘name’ and ‘age’ and outputs them in a sentence
2. Call the function with a string and number parameter
function nameAndAge(name, age){
  console.log(name + " is age "+ age);
nameAndAge("Auston Matthews",20);
Declare an array fruits with 6 fruits
var fruits = ["mango","papaya","passion fruit","dragon fruit","lychee","nashi"];
Output the length of the fruits array;
Write a for loop that outputs each fruit in the array in a sentence
for (var i=0;i<fruits.length;i++){
  console.log("the name of the fruit at this index is "+fruits[i]);